Memoranda of Understanding

Memoranda of Understanding are collective bargaining agreements between Alameda County and the unions that various classifications of County employees have chosen to represent them.  Below are the Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and related Sideletters of Agreement negotiated with employee organizations representing County of Alameda employees.

Alameda County Management Employees Association (ACMEA)

ACMEA Confidential Unit, 2017 - 2023
ACMEA General Government Unit, 2017 - 2023
ACMEA Probation Department Managers 075, 2020 - 2025
ACMEA Sheriff's Non-Sworn Unit 029, 2017 - 2023

Alameda County Prosecutors’ Association (ACPA)

ACPA 2022-2025

Alameda County Welfare Fraud Investigators Association (ACWFIA)

ACWFIA, 2019 - 2023

Building and Construction Trades Council (BTC)

BTC, 2022 - 2025

Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of Alameda County (DSA)

DSA, 2012 - 2025

International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 55

International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), Local 21

IFPTE Local 21, Alameda County Counsels Association (ACCA), 2022 - 2025
IFPTE Local 21, Alameda County Engineers Association (ACEA), Unit 77, 2022 - 2025
IFPTE Local 21, Civil Engineers Management Unit (CEMU), 2022-2025
IFPTE Local 21, Environmental Compliance Specialists and Zone 7 Engineers, Units 16 & 60, 2022 - 2025
IFPTE Local 21, Professional Association of County Employees (PACE) Units S06 and S25, 2021-2024
IFPTE Local 21, Public Defender Chapter, 2022 - 2025

Probation Peace Officers’ Association (PPOA)

PPOA, 2021 - 2026

Public Authority – In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 2015

Public Authority - IHSS and SEIU Local 2015, 2021-2024

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021

SEIU Local 1021, 2022 - 2026

Teamsters Local Union 856

Teamsters Local Union 856, 2019-2025

Union of American Physicians and Dentists (UAPD)