Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility & Enrollment

What certifications do I need to provide to enroll my eligible dependents up to age 26?

To enroll your dependents in benefits coverage, you must complete the Document Certification Form, attach all required supporting documentation, and return these items to the EBC.

What happens if I don't submit a Document Certification Form?

Your dependents will not be enrolled in the coverage(s).

Will my dependents be eligible for COBRA if they are dropped at Open Enrollment?

No. Dropping a dependent during Open Enrollment is not considered a COBRA Qualifying Event.

Health Care

My spouse and I both work for the County and we want to enroll our family in medical coverage. Can we both choose family medical?

Yes. However, you need to choose coverage through different carriers (e.g. Kaiser and United Healthcare) to ensure your elections do not result in duplicate coverage for yourselves or for any of your covered dependents.

If both my spouse and I work for the County, do we have to choose the same coverage levels for medical and dental?

No. For example, you could choose “Self+1” coverage for medical, but choose to cover only yourself (“Self” coverage) for dental.

I'm working less than 50% of my standard hours in a pay period. How does this impact my Share the Savings stipend and/or my premiums for medical and/or dental coverage?

Employees working less than 50% of the standard hours for their job classification are not eligible to receive the Share the Savings stipend. Through proration you are also responsible for the medical premium and/or 100% dental premiums. These premiums are automatically deducted from your pay check. If there is insufficient pay to cover the premiums, a billing statement will be sent to the employee’s home address to request remittance of the outstanding premiums. If not remitted by the due date on the billing statement, the medical and/or dental coverage will be cancelled retroactively.

Do any of the medical plans have pre-existing condition clauses?


If I am on a leave of absence or leave without pay, and currently not covered under any County-sponsored medical and/or dental plan, can I enroll during Open Enrollment?

No, you are not eligible to enroll during Open Enrollment. However, you will have an opportunity to enroll within 30 days of your return to work date as long as you contact the EBC. If you do not contact the EBC within the 30-day election period, your next opportunity will be the following Open Enrollment.

Do I get a Share the Savings stipend if I waive dental coverage?

No. The stipend is available only when waiving medical coverage.


What happens if I do not provide proof of alternative medical coverage when electing or are currently participating in Share the Savings Plan?

If you do not provide the EBC with proof of alternative medical coverage by the EBC communicated deadline, you and/or your eligible dependents will not be enrolled in the Share the Savings Plan for the upcoming year-meaning your Share the Savings stipend will not be added to your pay AND you will not be enrolled in a County-sponsored medical plan. See the 2024 Employee Benefits Handbook for more information regarding proof of alternative medical coverage.

Dental Coverage

I enrolled in the Delta Care USA plan and covered my wife, who is a County employee. Can my wife enroll in the Delta Dental PPO Supplemental Plan and cover me?

No. The Delta Dental PPO Supplemental Plan is not a stand-alone plan. The Delta Dental PPO Supplemental Plan is a supplement to the Delta Dental PPO Plan. You could choose to enroll in the Delta Dental PPO Plan and cover your wife. Your wife can then enroll in the Delta Dental PPO Supplemental Plan and cover you. Then the dental benefits would coordinate.

I signed up for Delta Dental PPO but never received a card in the mail. How do I use my dental plan?

Delta Dental does not issue cards for PPO members; however, if you register on Delta Dental’s website, you will be able to view your benefit coverage and print ID card(s) if you wish. Otherwise, simply provide your SSN to the dental provider and they will be able to verify your coverage with Delta Dental.

Note: DeltaCare USA members should receive a dental card as they are assigned a specific provider.

Vision Coverage

How do I find out if I am eligible for Vision Coverage?

When you log onto online eBenefits to make your elections, the benefit plans you are eligible to enrollment in will be listed. You can also call the EBC and speak with an Employee Benefits Technician.

I'm paying for a vision plan but how do I use it?

When you visit a VSP provider, simply provide them your member ID to verify coverage. Your VSP member ID is 000 followed by your employee ID. For example, if your employee ID is 123456, then your VSP member ID is 000123456. (The same number would apply to dependents). To find a VSP provider, go to or call 800-877-7195. You may also access your vision benefits by logging on the VSP website.

Dependent Coverage

What happens if I do not submit supporting documentation with a completed Document Certification Form?

Your dependent(s) will either be removed from your coverage or will not be added to your coverage for the Benefit Plan year. The EBC must receive applicable forms and supporting documentation by the EBC communicated deadline. See the Employee Benefits Handbook for a list of the dependent supporting documentation that is required.

If I drop coverage for my dependents during Open enrollment, are they eligible to continue coverage under COBRA?

No. Dropping a dependent (spouse/domestic partner and/or child) during Open Enrollment is not considered a COBRA Qualifying Event.

My dependents are in college and living away from home at times during the year. What things should I consider?

If your dependent lives away from home at times during the year, check your medical and/or dental plan options to see what provider access is available to him/her. Note: Dependents not residing within the carrier’s service area are only eligible for urgent/emergency services.

Health Care Reform Changes

Can I add my young adult dependent up to age 26 to my medical, dental and or vision coverage?

Yes. Complete your enrollment online through eBenefits. Complete a Document Certification form and submit it along with your supporting documentation to the EBC by the EBC Communicated deadline.

How long do I have to add my young adult dependent up to age 26 to my benefit plan?

You should add your young adult dependent up to age 26 during the Open Enrollment Period. If you add them during this time in eBenefits, this ensures the accuracy of your enrollment.

Are over-the-counter drugs covered under my Health FSA?

Over-the-counter drug purchases will no longer be a reimbursable expense through your Health FSA effective January 1, 2011.

Life and AD&D Insurance

Who is eligible to purchase Supplemental Life and AD&D insurance coverage?

The County’s management staff and certain eligible non-managers are eligible to purchase these benefits on a before-tax basis. They pay the full cost of this coverage. Review your labor organization’s current MOU for eligibility.

Can I buy Supplemental Life or AD&D coverage for my spouse/domestic partner and eligible dependent children without buying it for myself?

No. You need to buy coverage for yourself to be eligible to buy it for your spouse/domestic partner and children.

If both my spouse/domestic partner and I work for the County, can we cover one another on our Supplemental Life Insurance Plans? Can we both cover our children?

No. Duplicate coverage between spouse/domestic partner and dependents is not allowed.

When is my Supplemental Employee Life Insurance benefit subject to imputed income tax per the IRS?

If your total Basic Life and Supplemental Employee Life insurance benefit is over $50,000, you are subject to imputed income tax by the IRS. Imputed income is the value the IRS assumes you would have to pay to purchase a similar policy in the private market, based on your age and the amount of coverage you have. The IRS considers this value to be income, and as such, requires the County to add the income value associated with the benefit coverage over $50,000 to your pay for tax purposes. The additional taxes you owe as a result are withheld from your paycheck.

What is the difference between a Primary beneficiary and a Contingent beneficiary for life insurance purposes?

A Primary beneficiary is the person who will be paid in the event of a life insurance claim. A Contingent beneficiary is the person who will receive your Life benefit in the event your Primary beneficiary is deceased. Note: You may designate more than one Primary and more than one Contingent beneficiary.

Disability Coverage

If I enroll in STD and LTD, when is the coverage effective?

Coverage goes into effect subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, which in this case would be January 1st. You must be actively at work at the County on the day your coverage takes effect.

What happens to my election if I am currently enrolled?

If you are already enrolled in the STD and/or LTD plan your enrollment will continue into the new plan year.

How long do I have to wait before I can receive my STD Benefits?

Once you are approved for coverage, you will be eligible to collect your STD insurance benefit starting on the 8th day following the date your disability begins if the disability is caused by a sickness. Your benefit payment could continue up to a maximum of 25 weeks.

If I am disabled, can the amount of my benefit be reduced?

Yes. Benefits may be reduced by other income you receive. Check the STD and/or LTD Benefits Highlights Sheet located on the EBC online website for details.

What is Evidence of insurability?

Proof of good health, which includes completing a health questionnaire and possibly having a physical exam. You could be responsible for the cost of the exam or other associated costs if they are required. During the proof of good health review, you will be notified if you will incur any associated cost. This applies to both the STD and LTD Disability Plans.

How long do I have to wait before I can receive my LTD Benefits?

You must be disabled for at least 180 days before you are eligible to receive a Voluntary Long-Term Disability Insurance benefit payment.

Under LTD, how long will my disability payments continue?

For as long as you remain disabled, or until you reach your Social Security Normal Retirement Age, whichever is sooner. If your disability occurs at age 65 or above, your payments may be reduced.

How do I drop my STD and/or LTD benefit?

During Open Enrollment you can waive your coverage in the online eBenefits system. Any other time of the year you must submit a request in writing to the EBC to terminate coverage.

Health Flexible Spending Account

Can I use the Health FSA for my own health care expenses and for my dependents' eligible expenses, too?

Yes. You can use the Health FSA to reimburse yourself for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses incurred by yourself, your spouse/domestic partner, your children or young adult dependent. Eligible expenses are defined by the IRS, and are those specified in the plan that would generally qualify for the IRS medical and dental expenses tax deduction. These are explained in IRS Publication 502. Note: you cannot receive distributions from your Health FSA for the following expenses:

  • Amounts paid for medical, dental or vision insurance premiums
  • Amounts paid for disability insurance premiums
  • Amounts paid for long-term care coverage or expenses
  • Amounts that are covered under another health plan
What determines the dollar amount in my Health FSA?

Your Health FSA is calculated based on your County Allowance Credit (those employees that are eligible for the County Allowance refer to your labor organization’s current MOU), less the cost for your Management Cafeteria Benefits (Medical, Supplemental Life-EE, and AD&D), plus any salary you contribute to your Health FSA.

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)

Who are my eligible dependents for DCAP reimbursement purposes?

You may use your DCAP contributions to reimburse yourself for the eligible expenses associated with the care of:

  • Your children under the age of 13 for whom you or your spouse are entitled to a dependency exemption under Internal Revenue code Section 151(c)
  • Your spouse who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself
  • A relative or household member who receives over half of his/her support from you, who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself/herself, and who has been court designated to you as conservator.
What types of expenses can be reimbursed through the DCAP?

You can use the DCAP to be reimbursed for expenses associated with the care of an eligible dependent, provided the care is required in order for you (and your spouse, if married) to work. Eligible expenses may include payments you make to a licensed provider for childcare, or for payments made to an organization or qualified individual to provide in-home care to an adult dependent. Refer to the Internal Revenue code Section 151(c) for further information.

Vacation Purchase Plan

Can I purchase only a few days of extra vacation?

No. Additional vacation can only be purchased in one or two week increments.

Do I have to pay for purchased vacation time before I use it?

No. The County takes your vacation purchase deductions in equal increments over the year, so you will not finish paying for your vacation purchase election until the end of the year. If an adjustment needs to be made, then the County has the right to adjust your future deductions or possibly take a lump sum. However, you may use your purchased vacation time any time after January 1, subject to work demands and your supervisor’s approval.

What happens if I am unable to pay for purchased vacation time?

The County has the right to reduce the purchased vacation balance hours.

What if I voluntarily resign or involuntarily terminate employment with the County before paying for my purchased vacation-used or unused?

If you terminate employment with the County and have used your purchased vacation time before paying for it in full, you will be required to make up the difference. The County will deduct the balance you owe from your final paycheck; if your final paycheck is insufficient, you must repay the County with your own money. If your vacation purchase went unused, the County will refund the amount previously deducted from your pay on a post-tax basis.

Do my vacation purchase payments continue if I am on a non-paid leave of absence?

No. While on a non-paid leave of absence, the County does not collect money for your vacation purchase election. Once you return to work, the County has the right to adjust your future deductions or possibly take a lump sum.

Does Vacation Purchase time count toward retirement service credit?

No it does not.

Commuter Benefit Plan

When can I enroll in the Commuter Benefit Plan?

You can enroll or dis-enroll anytime of the year.