Guaranteed Ride Home

Free Guaranteed Ride Home Program

Worried about not having a ride if you commute and there is an emergency? This is the plan for you!

The County of Alameda (County) Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Program provides a free ride home from work for employees who use sustainable forms of transportation when unexpected circumstances arise. The GRH program is free for County employees who use sustainable forms of transportation including walking, biking, taking transit, or ridesharing.

When a registered employee uses a sustainable mode to travel to work and experiences a personal or family emergency while at while at work, employees can take a taxi, a TNC like Uber or Lyft, and or a carsharing service like ZipCar and be reimbursed for the cost of the ride.

The GRH Program allows commuters to feel comfortable using sustainable forms of transportation to work, knowing that they will have a ride home in case of an emergency. For more information about GRH Program, please see

You may register now by going to

If you’ve previously participated in GRH, the program will remind you to update your account information each calendar year. Please click here

Here’s an overview of how easy GRH Program works:

  1. Register on the website (or if you prefer, you can register by phone).
  2. When an emergency occurs, choose a taxi or rental car based on your trip length.
  3. Pay for your ride and retain a receipt.
  4. Within 30 days, submit a copy of your receipt by uploading it on the GRH website here, or by mailing it to them with the claim form (you can download from GRH website directly or please click here).
  5. Within 30 days of receiving your receipt, the program will reimburse you for your ride as long as it meets all program requirements (you can download from the GRH website directly or please click here).

We encourage County employees to take advantage of this free service, giving you peace of mind as well as helping to reduce traffic and improve air quality by leaving your car behind on your commute to work.

Please note you must register every year. For questions about this service, please contact them at, 510-433-0320.